I know I have been remiss in posting here there really hasn't been much to post but last weekend we went to visit another banding station. The CLCD MAPS banding station in Allegany State Park. We had a wonderful time. It's always fun seeing how the "other guys" do it. Mon@rch was our host and he is a bander, biologist and naturalist (not to mention a friend!) working out of the Park, he wrote a wonderful Blog entry here about it.
Here's a couple of shots I took there; a juvenile Yellow Warbler

and a Chestnut Sided Warbler (perhaps their most common visitor of the warbler family)

The highlight for me was the juvenile Indigo Bunting that we caught on the final net run. Would you believe two days later he caught a Scarlet Tanager and a Blue Winged Warbler? Didn't those birds know they were supposed to be there on Saturday?
Be sure to bookmark Monarch's Nature Blog so you can keep up with Mon@rch's adventures. Thanks again and we'll be back for Saw Whet Banding if not before!