Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Who was No. 1?

Originally uploaded by makeupanid
not chickadees ;D

Nope the No. 1 bird was the same as last year-The Northern Cardinal

I asked permission to copy this poem for our blog because I like it so much

Submitted by Greg Kratzig. on 15-02-2008 00:10.
My anticipation of counting this weekend

Twas the night before the Bird Count
and all through the house,
the birders were sleeping,
just dreaming of grouse.
They had mapped out their day
to find a Blue Jay,
or perhaps watching owls cathing their prey.
Their scopes were all ready,
their binos were too
don't forget your tripod, your camera, your guide,
or your coffee, a sandwhich or your favorite hot stew.
You can count from your window, our car or on foot,
and if you get lost remember stay put.
What this weekend will bring,
may remind us of spring,
Just remember have fun,
as you are watching a Hun,
and when the weekend has passed,
we will tally our birds,
in the hopes that we have massed,
more species this year than years in the past.

Also there are some wonderful photos of an Ivory Gull counted for the first time in South Dakota HERE
Please scroll down to the bottom as my personal favourite was the last one where he comes up with his catch of the day!

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