Yesterday we saw the Yellow Breasted Chat that was reported in ONTbirds at Ashbridges Bay

It looks like a first year male and he was quite enjoying the berries on the
European euonymus-
they seem to be his
He posed quite nicely for me too-I just got this new camera and have now quite figured it out yet-not sure why the shots aren't sharper but you get the idea!
and earlier in the Fall we got wonderful views of a Virginia Rail at Colonel Sam Smith Park-the bird came out repeatedly from the reeds and was quite tolerant. We managed to share this sighting with a birding group that was passing through.

While still
trying to identify him
I got quite the good look
at his beak as you can
see when he managed to
just stick it out
making just
a little bit easier :D

In news from San Francisco they have released some of the birds from the oil spill-you can again read a wonderful posting about it in How's Robb Blog How fabulous there were wonderful volunteers to help-I only wish I could have been one of them!
wow, wow and wow! Those are such amazing pictures of the chat and rail! Both would have been awesome birds for me to have found this year!
Great photos Marg! I especially love the chat pictures. They're so colourful, and the composition is great.
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