Last weekend after visiting Ruthven we managed to make it to Rock Point Banding Station just in time for the last net run. Rock Point is on the shores on Lake Erie. Richard broadly hinted that he would like to band the White Eyed Vireo-and Jim graciously allowed him too.

So yesterday we returned for what were hoping would be a good "fall out", but all the way there rain was off and on and we knew it would either be a bust or great! We thought we were going to be very late as we made some wrong turns, but the rain delayed the opening too. It turned out the day was a bust they banded a total of 14 birds-and it had been fifty the day before! It was still fun to be there and help out-I did get to see my first female Blackpoll up close-

and got a really good look at a Yellow Bellied Flycatcher.

We tried our best to turn that Yellow Bellied into an Acadian and the Mourning Warbler into a Connecticut but no such luck-the field markings don't lie! LOL

It was great fun (and educational) to visit-Jim is a lot of fun-and a great teacher-I suggest you check out his website for more info-and that you go visit him too!
Thank you Jim and Roswitha!
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