(and yes I know I've said it before but please sign if you haven't done so already by clicking on the word petition, thank you :D) and I was struck by this dogs quite royal outfit, a bit reminiscent of Romeo?

I was joking that we should start calling ourselves BirdBusters, as in Ghostbusters? We still have not caught the elusive budgie, but we have left a mist net up there (furled of course) and I actually saw him fly in and immediately out-the only way I could have got him was if I had been right next to him when he did it. We also received a call about a Peach Faced Lovebird on the loose in the East End who is also running with the House Sparrows. We are working on getting him as well. Fortunately for these guys the weather feels more like Spring than December. I passed a Magnolia tree that is budding today!
Christmas is getting friendlier and friendlier but still will not step up onto your finger. And there is still no word from an owner, and I guess we will not be hearing of one.
While waiting to try and catch the budgie the other day I had the opportunity to get some photos of the Blue Jays in the Meadow.

Hopefully I will have some new updates for you before Christmas (the holiday, not the parrot ;)
1 comment:
We'll certainly keep you in mind, thanks for your interest and comments.
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