TBO Call for Volunteers and Notice of Annual General Meeting
A number of you have been enquiring about our plans to band at High Park. Richard Joos, our President and Chair, has been busy finalizing arrangements with the City of Toronto Parks, Forestry and Recreation Division to allow us to officially start operating at Spring Creek Meadow in High Park in the near future.
So that you can have the opportunity to become acquainted with our new site and to meet with your fellow members and the Directors of the TBO, you are cordially invited to our first Annual General Meeting to be held in High Park on Saturday, April 29th, 2006.
We will begin the day, weather permitting, at 10 am on Hawk Hill on the north side of the Grenadier Restaurant in the middle of the Park to see our Educational Demonstration Site. We will notify you by email or phone on Friday April 28th if it appears that weather will be a problem.
Then we will walk to the Banding Station Site at Spring Creek Meadow and do some extracting, banding and scribing.
After a break for lunch we will hold our Annual General Meeting starting at 2 pm at the Howard Park Tennis Club on Parkside Drive opposite Indian Valley Crescent (2 blocks south of Bloor). Our guest speaker, Gene Morton, will speak on 'What do OUR birds do in the tropics and how do they know how to do it?"
We do hope you will be able to attend, and not be caught up with too many other spring activities, and we very much look forward to seeing you on Saturday April 29th.
We are keen to get as many volunteers as possible to participate in the spring banding program. If you think you would like to participate, please contact Richard Joos directly and let him know which mornings best suit you.
Richard's email is: r.joos @ utoronto.ca (remove the spaces from the email address before sending)
Mary Boswell
Membership Secretary
Toronto Bird Observatory
Email: mboswell @ sympatico.ca (remove the spaces from the email address before sending)